SHOCKING: How syndicate lured minors for kidney harvest with fake job offer in Abuja

SHOCKING: How syndicate lured minors for kidney harvest with fake job offer in Abuja

Disturbing details have surfaced about an unscrupulous syndicate in Abuja, the federal capital territory, that preys on young boys aged 15 to 17, deceiving them with fake job offers and subsequently harvesting their kidneys. The Boy Child Advancement and Protection Foundation (BCAPF), a non-profit organization focused on empowering and safeguarding the future of young boys, brought this revelation to light.

During a meeting held on December 30, 2023, in Abuja, BCAPF aimed to draw attention to the illicit organ trading business and presented victims who shared their experiences of being duped by the syndicate into selling their kidneys for a fee.

One victim, 16-year-old Oluwatobi Salaudeen, recounted how a friend introduced him to an agent who enticed him into the deal by promising a job. Upon reaching the supposed job venue, Salaudeen discovered a different reality. Deceived and manipulated, he unknowingly signed documents and was then taken to Alliance Hospital in Area 11, Abuja.

In the hospital, Salaudeen observed numerous young boys in the operating theater. He underwent surgery, and his kidney was harvested. The victims were instructed to stay in a hotel using funds provided by the syndicate, allowing them to visit the hospital for treatment without their parents discovering the truth about the organ harvesting.

While recovering in the hotel, Salaudeen received threatening calls, compelling him to leave Abuja immediately or face harm. Fearing for his life, he fled to Lagos, where his relatives discovered the abdominal scar, eventually leading to his father learning about the kidney harvest.

Another victim, 17-year-old Yahaya Musa, shared his experience of confiding in a neighborhood friend about being out of school and unemployed. This friend introduced him to an organ trafficker who deceived him with the promise of monetary compensation.